As employees come back to the office, consumers are shopping more, and restaurants are getting busier, it’s important to think about your olfactory branding. What is your scent? From bathroom to breakroom, your scent is a direct reflection of your brand.
It can be argued that many of the reasons we act the way we do is because of our sense of smell. This sense can affect almost every aspect of our lives and is a main part of how we experience our lives and determine our preferences. Without scent, we would only be able to taste that ice cream is sweet, not that it’s chocolate, or that pretzels are salty, not that they’re buttery. Our tastebuds tell us the taste and our noses tell us the flavor.
Scent is directly connected to the emotional hardwiring of our brains. Memories are tied to our experience of emotions and our emotional memory is tied to our sense of smell. This is one of the main reasons companies use olfactory branding. If you have a positive interaction with a brand and they have a signature scent, you’re going to have a positive reaction every time you smell that scent, whether you’re conscious of the reaction or not. And everyone wants to be remembered positively.
How Can Scent Improve Your Mood?
Have you ever walked past something – a burger joint, a freshly-mown lawn, a lilac bush – and gotten a great whiff? You know the smells. As soon as you read them, you knew them. Those smells can make you hungry, can remind you of your childhood, or remind you of a particular person. There are a few specific smells that are known to improve a person’s mood just from an aroma.

We often use lavender as a calming scent. Perhaps you put it on your wrists before a flight. Or maybe you drink a stress relieving lavender tea after a tough day. However you use it, lavender is great to help relieve stress and improve mood.

Similar to lavender, jasmine can calm someone down. It’s also known for its cheerfulness. This rich, sweet flavor can induce feelings of optimism and strength, allowing you to tackle the day’s tasks.

Did you know that rosemary increases brain function, improves blood circulation, and boosts the immune system? So much good comes from one small herb.

Lemon has antiviral properties that help you fight both sickness and sadness. This cheerful, bright scent is a “pick me up” in the day. A small sniff of lemon will wake you up and keep you focused and strong.
Ways to Bring Scent into the Office
Known for their “Smellitizers,” Disney parks have specific smells for a specific areas. This kind of olfactory branding is used to equate a good experience with a good smell. How can you bring this kind of technology into your office? Quite easily. Metered Dispensers will emit a scent according to an internal timer. Every 90 seconds, a small burst of Lavender-Chamomile will waft into the room, improving mood, focus, and output. Or perhaps you prefer Crisp Linen or Sandalwood. Whatever scent you choose, be sure to remember that smell sensitivities and allergies are important to consider.
Ways to Deodorize Your Office
Now, we know not all scents are good. So, we have things that can clean, cover up, or deodorize the air. The scent of something that is freshly cleaned can improve mood, as knowing you’re being kept safe is a great mood enhancer. You can also improve the air quality of your office with an Air Purifier.
Contact your Sundance Office account rep to order today!