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School has been back in session for some time now. In that time, you might have missed a few items from our school supplies checklist or have run through your

Employee productivity, employee morale, and company culture go hand-in-hand — if your employees are productive and happy, they’re more likely to remain with your company and do their jobs to

KIPP Tulsa and OKC and Student

Sundance is proud to announce that we have joined with our partner Essendant to take part in the 2022 Backpack Program. Our recipients this year are KIPP Tulsa and KIPP

Forward-Thinking Office Furniture: Sundance Office

Forward-thinking office furniture looks past what we’ve always used and towards what we will use in years to come. It sets us up for success by decreasing cost, increasing quality,

Back to School Before You Know It: Get What You Need

Every year, we think summer lasts a little longer than it truly does. Be ready for the start of the school year with all the supplies you’ll need for a

Sundance Cares: Restore OKC

Earlier this year, Sundance Cares donated a percentage of all orders to Restore OKC, a nearby non-profit organization that supports Northeast Oklahoma City neighborhoods. About Restore OKC Restore OKC is

Person writing on whiteboard.

Whiteboards – also referred to as Dry Erase Boards, Markerboards, Glassboards, etc. – have become one of the easiest ways to teach, brainstorm, schedule and assign tasks, track calendars, visualize

As employees come back to the office, consumers are shopping more, and restaurants are getting busier, it’s important to think about your olfactory branding. What is your scent? From bathroom

Which Trash Can Liner Is Best For You?

Do you find yourself wondering why your garbage bag always leaks or tears? Are you double bagging your trash because you’re unsure which bag you should be using? It all

Positive reinforcement is “the act of rewarding a positive behavior in order to encourage it to happen again.” When we reward positivity, we’re increasing the likeliness of that behavior being

No matter when you are reading this post, it is never too late to Spring Clean! Call it summer clean if you need to, but really it just means a

Are you looking for the most hygienic option for your workplace bathrooms? The science is clear: Single-use paper towels are a more effective and hygienic way to dry your hands